Buy Junk Cars In Seattle WA
If you are looking for a company to buy your car, truck or van look no further! We buy junk cars in Seattle WA!
You may be wondering how the whole process works. Is there paper work I need to fill out? Do I need a title? These are some of the most asked questions when people are looking to sell their junk car in Seattle.
The Process: For the most part everything is done over the phone. You call or text and we give you a free quote over the phone then we set up a time for our tow driver to come and get your vehicle. SAME DAY! Many people are shocked that we are able to get to our customers same day, and that is because we have multiple trucks! How many? We have 6 trucks and we have them stationed on a certain area of both King County and Snohomish County. We find this way works much better mainly because everyone is spread out then, and very rarely does one certain area get slammed. It’s usually spread out pretty evenly. If we are not able to get to you the day you call, then you are first on our list first thing in the morning. No later than 2 days. Most of the time we are able to get to our customers same day. However; we are only human and sometimes error does occur.

BEWARE: Some businesses that claim to buy junk cars in Seattle WA aren’t doing it legally. You as well as them could get into serious trouble if you knowingly do business with them. They must be Licensed and insured with a Hulk Haulers License. That is how you will know if they are conducting business legally. Going with a well known company like Junk Car Seattle will make you feel at ease knowing you are selling your vehicle legally.
Paperwork? NO WAY!! We like to make the process as easy as possible and want to make it to where all you have to do is call! If you have the title, we need to have that signed over, so technically that is the only extra work you will be doing.
Do you need a title? NO! OF COURSE NOT! We are able to accept any car, truck, van or SUV without a title. As long as you have registration with your name on it and a photo ID you are fine. Don’t have a registration either? NO PROBLEM! Just give us your license plate number and we can still pick up your vehicle.
Hopefully this answered some of your questions you may have about our company and what we are able to offer. Remember, we buy junk cars in Seattle WA, so if you have a junk vehicle you want to get rid of, give us a call today and we’ll take care of you!
CALL NOW FOR A FREE QUOTE!! 360-773-7124
You can also fill out a free online form! ONLINE FORM